NHMS Dress Code Policy & Cell Phone/Electronics Policy
Update on Uniform Policy at New Heights: New Heights Middle Parents, Students, Faculty/Staff - Thank you for completing the school uniform survey. We will begin the 2024-2025 school year following the uniform dress code. A final decision regarding uniforms will be made once Long Middle School completes their survey. Based upon the survey results from both New Heights and Long Middle, a decision will be made before the second semester to ensure that the uniform policy is consistent across the district. Your input has been invaluable, and everyone will be notified as soon as a final decision is made.
We will begin the 2024-2025 school year following the uniform dress code. We are asking for feedback regarding school uniforms. Please take a few moments to complete the survey. The link is listed as "School Uniform Survey" under "Parents" on this webpage. We have also shared the survey link on our school facebook page.
Please ensure your students are following our dress code policy. Thank you!
Stores Selling Uniforms:
Wal-Mart (school uniforms for teens - Walmart.com)
Target (School Uniforms For Teens : Target)
Old Navy (Search | Old Search | Old Navy (gap.com))
Janet's Closet at Helping Hands Outreach Center at 205 East Pigg Street in Pageland has a limited amount of uniforms available for distribution, first come first serve.
Pants, shorts, or skirts should be navy blue or khaki. Pant legs should not be twisted or rolled up. Shorts and skirts should be fingertip length or longer. (No spandex or tights; No cargo pants, please)
Shirts should be light-blue (Carolina Blue), white, red, or navy blue; polo style or button-down with no logos and should be tucked in; sweaters, sweatshirts and hoodies should be school colors, no logos except for New Heights Middle School. Hoods should NOT be worn in the building. Hats are not allowed, unless it is specified for a specific dress down day or special event - these days will be announced in advance to students who want to participate in the activity, after approval by the Principal. Sweaters should NOT have zippers. Hoodies should NOT have zippers.
Hoodies with NHMS logo may be purchased at these locations. Please contact the stores for pricing.
Rivers Graphics - Pageland, SC 843-672-7801
New Creations Embroidery - Pageland, SC 843-672-2626
Two Broke Chics - Pageland, SC (Contact via Facebook or [email protected])
Belts should be brown, black, navy, or khaki-colored with no studs, spikes, no detachable buckles.
Jackets/coats/hats or toboggans of all colors may be worn; however, they must be placed in the locker before the school day begins.
Clothing should not be excessively tight nor excessively loose fitting. No crop tops/open midriff tops (top should cover from the top of the chest to the bottom of the waist and should cover the top of the pants). No tank tops; No see-through clothing.
Shoes must match in color and style; No open-toed shoes; No crocs; No slides; No bedroom shoes.
Jewelry should not be spiked, gaudy or dangling.
Students may wear Spirit shirts and Central High School paraphernalia ONLY on days designated by Principal.
Students may wear a small sling bag during the day. (The Sling Bag should fit inside the basket underneath the desk.)
Students may have standard-sized bookbags in class. Measurements of a standard-size book bag are 22" x 14" x 9".
Students are NOT allowed to bring rolling bags, oversized bags, luggage bags, duffle bags, etc.
Students are NOT allowed to bring blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, etc. to school.
Athletes are allowed to store their athletic bags in a different location during the school day, and they are allowed to pick up their athletic bags following afternoon dismissal.
Band members who play large instruments are allowed to leave their instrument in the Band room, and they are allowed to pick up the instrument following afternoon dismissal, if needed.
Consequences for Dress Code Violations
1. First Offense—Verbal/written warning
2. Second/Third Offense—Parent contact, discipline referral, and spend the remainder of the day in ISS
3. Fourth Offense—1 day of OSS
Cell Phone / Use of Electronics Policy
Cell phones must be turned OFF and should be out of sight. Cell phones should be in the student's bookbag, sling bag or locker. Students may NOT have cell phones in their pants pockets or hoodie pocket.
Students are NOT allowed to use a paging device, cell phone, smart watch or any other type of communication device without permission of school staff during the school day.
Air buds are NOT allowed. Students having Air buds will receive a cell phone violation. (Students are allowed to have ear buds that can be plugged into the computer/chromebook.)
Cell phones are ONLY allowed after 3:30pm during late bus dismissal in the cafeteria.
Students are NOT allowed to bring to school a personal chrome book, computer, I-pad, gaming device, etc.
New Heights Middle is NOT responsible in the event a personal device is lost, stolen or damaged.
Consequences for Cell Phone/Electronics Violations
1. First Offense - Verbal/written warning
2. Second, Third, Fourth Offense: 1 day ISS
3. Fifth Offense or More - 1 day OSS
Cell phone/air buds/electronic devices will be collected from the student on every offense, and will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.