Attention Parents:
FLU Vaccines will be available for students at New Heights Middle School: October 15, 2024
Click on the link below to view the Letter to Parents. The Letter to Parents includes the registration/consent form and our school validation code.
You must register your child in advance, in order for your child to receive the Flu Vaccine at school. Registration deadline is October 1, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse: Dana Streater, RN at 843-658-6380 ext. 155.
Attention Faculty/Staff: Flu Vaccines for employees will be available on October 18 from 11:00am until 1:00pm. If you have any questions, please see Nurse Streater.
Fall 2024
The SC Department of Public Health (DPH) is partnering with our school to provide flue vaccines to students. The flu vaccine will be available in 2 forms: flu shot and flu nasal spray. A flu vaccine is recommended by CDC and DPH every year for everyone 6 months of age and older. It is the best way to protect your child against the flu.
I urge you to consider signing up your child to receive the flu shot or flu nasal spray. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
*Children in close settings like schools are at higher risk of getting sick with the flu and may spread it to other students and teachers as well as those in their household and community.
*If your child has asthma, diabetes or other chronic health conditions, they are more likely than other children to become very sick if they get the flu. It is especially important for children with any of these conditions to get the flu shot every year.
*Your child can get the flu shot or flu nasal spray at school from a DPH nurse and you do not need to miss work to take them to the doctor's office.
*The flu is a primary reason that students (and parents) miss school days during influenza season.
Please look for information from the school about the online consent form. Information about the date and time of the flu clinic will be provided by the school.
In addition, flu vaccine is available from your local DPH health department and your health care provider. Those 12 years of age and older can also receive the flu vaccine at a pharmacy which offers the flu vaccine. You are encouraged to find the facility that works best for you.
More information about the flu and flu vaccine clinics is available at
Sherell Stevens, MBA, MPA
Immunization Operations Section Director
Bureau of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control
SC Department of Public Health