Parental Involvement is the Key
A parent/guardian can be the most influential person in a child's life. It is important that parents remain involved in their child's education, from Kindergarten through high school and beyond. Parents can help students make informed decisions for their education and career plan.
Tips for Parents/Guardians: "How to Get Involved and Stay Involved"
Tips for Parents/Guardians: "How to Get Involved and Stay Involved"
- Talk to your child about his or her dreams, interests and abilities.
- Encourage your child to explore several different occupations.
- Work with the Guidance Counselor and Career Specialist to develop your child's Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) and help your child choose a career cluster.
- Encourage your child to learn about technology.
- Serve as a school volunteer whenever possible.
- Attend parent conferences, Parent Academy sessions and any other programs, classes or activities offered for parents. Work with your child's teachers, principal, parent educator, counselor and other administrators to make school a positive experience.
- Make sure your child completes his or her homework and brings it to school the next day.
- Make sure your child gets plenty of rest so he or she will be prepared for the school day and arrives at school on time each day.